Phase IV Weekly Weigh-In: Week 24

Category Weights(lbs)
Starting Weight: 185.5
End Of Week 23 Weight: 174.3
End of Week 23 BF %: 23.7%
End Of Week 24 Weight: 167.9
End of Week 24 BF %: 22.9%
Week Over Week Change: -6.4
Total Lost: -17.7
Average Per Week So Far: 0.74 lbs/week
Are we there yet? Getting there

Took most of the week, but last weekend’s excesses finally came off.  Not quite at my all time lows yet, but happy with the recovery.  Now need to get on track to losing those last few pounds.

…Now off to the road!  Lots of chores to catch up on today.

About J.

40 year old IT guy on a health and fitness kick.

Posted on August 19, 2012, in Weekly Weigh-in and tagged , . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. these fluctuations will drive you nuts if you let them, good job recognizing the numbers last week for what they were!

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